Doing TV
I don’t know TV. I read, mostly and I listen to audio. In the past, I took fotos with an 1936 camera. This concludes 6 weeks of TV training: Camera, Cutting, Speaking - and watch out for music. I ...
I don’t know TV. I read, mostly and I listen to audio. In the past, I took fotos with an 1936 camera. This concludes 6 weeks of TV training: Camera, Cutting, Speaking - and watch out for music. I ...
People in Iran are taking to the streets, fighting back against religious clothing restrictions for women and challenging the country’s autocrat rulers. The protests cast a long shadow around the w...
For three months the German government pushed down inflation with a mobility flat rate. While the 9-euro ticket has run its course, its public appeal will remain, says Mathis Richtmann. » DW: Orig...
Drought is causing low water levels across Europe. The Rhine is Germany’s most important waterway, and now supply chains are in danger. » DW: Original Video (en) Hintergrund Auslieferung: Deu...
Sieht man vom nördlichen Ende der fast rechteckigen Fläche von Auschwitz-Birkenau, dem Lager Auschwitz II, über die weitläufige Fläche, hinter den Horizont der gegenüberliegenden Zaunanlage, dann e...
In search for alternatives to heating with gas, Germans are increasingly turning to wood. Wood-burning stoves are subsidized by the government, but experts warn of serious health repercussions. » ...
Corona hat Spuren in der deutschen Industrie hinterlassen. Anders beim Unternehmen Montratec im Schwarzwald: Das kam gut durch die Krise - mit Hilfe von Investoren und einem Produkt, das wirklich...
By most accounts, Russia has defaulted on its sovereign debt because it was unable to make a payment to its creditors. But reality is trickier than that, and shows Moscow has been strategic in bra...
As rich countries switch on their firefighting mode to tame soaring inflation, highly indebted developing countries are feeling the heat. Sri Lanka has already defaulted on its debt, many others ...
Kann jemand vom Krieg sprechen, der noch nie im Krieg war? Ist Krieg die Regel, oder die Ausnahme in dieser Welt? Kann man von Frieden ohne Krieg sprechen? Ist Krieg ein Mittel der Politik? Michel ...