
DW -- VW workers go on strike

It seemed like clockwork. Strike-organizers for VW in Hannover Stöcken told me, at 9:30 am the break starts, people will gather at 9:45 when the strike officially starts and »our demonstration will start walking towards the market square at 10:00 am«.

Nearly 5,000 workers walked off the job in Hannover – encompassing nearly the whole morning shift there, while the IG Metall union said, 66,000 joined across Germany.

We were there as a team of two, sending live material, live cross into our 10 o’clock show and a piece-to-camera. It felt great feeling the machinery of our whole Business department in our backs, turning the material and reporting into coverage that ran across all our platforms. Thanks to the whole team!

At least one thing learned that day: The iPhone LU-smart app for LiveU is nice and works wonders – if you’re mostly in the middle of nowhere. With 5,000 VW workers walking towards you, the connection just isn’t good enough. Take a real LiveU next time 😄.

And at 11:30 am the whole show was over, workers walked back to their stations – the “warning strike” had concluded.

» Read my feature here «

Packaged as a TV/Youtube segment with everything coming together at the end of the day.